mercredi 26 novembre 2008

He was there. I saw him. He was smiling. I thought I was the happiest girl in the world just because he was there lying in my bed, smiling for me only.
He was there and it was enough to make me happy, to make me breathe, to make me feel alive.

He was there and one second later, he was dead...

And I stopped breating. I stopped being alive. I became someone else. A girl who has never known him and he never knew. I became that girl. The one you hate.

That's the truth...

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Manon, Manon... Tu réflechis beaucoup, et tu en oublie de vivre, et si tu prenais quelques minutes pour respirer, chasser les idées noires, bref, te dire que la vie n'est pas si mal tout compte fait?

Fais un trait sur le passé, et pense à l'avenir. Cela te fera le plus grand bien.

Regarde un peu autour de toi, tu y verra que des gens n'ont pas tous la même chance que toi, ce blog en témoigne. Ta vie est servie sur un plateau doré. Profites-en.